Saturday, May 27, 2006

Did Christians miss the boat?

In the days leading up to the opening of The Da Vinci Code, as rumours of bad reviews came out of the Cannes film festival, I began to wonder if we had been duped. What if the movie was not that good, would stir up little or no controversy (on its own merits), and the uproar of Christians had just guaranteed that the film would be a hit.
Did Christians and churches waste their time studying up on the book's claims, preparing to refute them? Was it just a lot of preaching to the choir? Or was it a useful exercise, motivating Christians to step outside our fortresses and mingle with our culture?
I can see both sides. I think there is value in learning our own history, shoring up confidence in what we believe. Also, our enemy is crafty beyond belief and is the ruler of this world. Perhaps he wanted us to be distracted and occupied with something of his choosing for a while.
Just a few thoughts. No answers. You will have to provide those.

1 comment:

Erin said...

While I haven't seen the movie, I recently finished the book. Such a flurry over such a flop! The best part of the book was the element of the chase.
The rest of the story was just flat out unbelievable. And rather poorly stitched together, in my opinion.
But I do think the DaVinci Code was a good catalyst for Christians to crack open their Bibles and begin to study it for themselves. We believe far too many things without searching for the proof ourselves. If the pastor (or another educated person such as a published author)tells me something is fact, it must be fact. Surely they've done their research, right?

And I'd bet my entire Monkees record collection the DaVinci Code was keeping us off the scent of more nefarious and secretive agendas. I did not find The DV Code to be very threatening to my faith at all.

Now mass media advertising... "Hmmm, I think I DO deserve a break today. I think I SHOULD obey my thirst." (Because it really is all about me.)