Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm not stumping for McCain

I'm still undecided on who to vote for in the upcoming presidential election. Since Ron Paul dropped out, my choices seem to be Bob Barr (Libertarian), Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party), and Alan Keyes (Independent).

Barr is a recovering Republican and his position has changed on several issues. I too am a recovering Republican and my position has changed on several key issues in the last few years. I generally like the Libertarian position, so he's probably going to get my vote.

I've supported Keyes in the past, in fact, he's the only candidate to whom I've given financial contributions. But mixing politics and religion bothers me more than it used to.

I still believe that my faith and my beliefs should influence my politics. I don't, however, believe in getting enough Christians in office that we can create a theocracy. I'm also quite comfortable with the idea that some things are morally wrong without having to make them illegal. Christianity was born and thrived in a place where its morals were not the law of the land. I think Christians in the U.S. might need to actually live out their faith, rather than wait for Washington to legislate it.

So I'll probably vote for Barr. And two of my three brothers accuse me of wasting my vote, I believe that my vote is one of principle, theirs are more pragmatic. I know either McCain or Obama will be elected, not Barr, Baldwin, or Keyes. But since neither McCain nor Obama represent my political beliefs, I believe that I waste my vote if it is cast for either of them.

I did find some interesting online videos. I believe they point out some of Obama's issues pretty well. I haven't seen them anywhere but online. They can be found here.

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